
Welcome to the APS Member’s Lounge

The APS Member’s Lounge is a safe space for you to learn, get inspired, meet the team and ask those hairy and scary finance questions!


Ask a question


Learn more about financial wellbeing

Every month, we record a chat with one of our friendly experts about a topic that will support you to protect and improve your financial wellbeing. You’ll hear from our home finance specialists, financial planners, accounting experts, and our loans team as we unpack everything in the world of finance.

Meet the team and learn more about financial wellbeing ….


Meet the team and learn more about financial wellbeing ….


Ask Gabby!

online wills

Do you have hairy finances questions that you are burning to ask our team? How much money do you need to save for retirement these days? Is it the right time to buy property? 

We are inviting you to submit your finance questions to our curious fan girl Gabby, who will be interviewing the APS team and answering all of your (big or small) questions. 


    Make the most of your membership

    One of the many perks of being an APS member is that you have access to all of our financial services in one place. Whether you need a loan, financial planning advice, an update to your estate plan, or a new accountant, we have a friendly team to support you every step of the way. 

    Be money smart with our tax and accounting suite for your personal and business finances.

    Navigate the important decisions in business and in life with help of APS Benefits legal services.

    Achieve wealth and security on your terms with the help of APS financial services.

    With fixed interest rates and no maintenance fees, reach your savings goals sooner with APS Term Investments.

    Learn more about financial wellbeing

    5 tips for avoiding mortgage stress

    5 tips for avoiding mortgage stress

    Owning a home comes with a significant financial commitment and one that can become stressful if the money coming in isn’t enough to cover repayments and other outgoings. If you’re spending more than 30% of your before-tax income on your mortgage repayments, you’re...

    COVID-19: why you need to update your Will

    COVID-19: why you need to update your Will

    Ready to update your Will? Often it takes a major life event to prompt someone to create or update their Will. We recommend that you consider regularly updating your Will as you go through major milestones in life such as having a child, purchasing property, getting...

    Going guarantor: what you need to know

    Going guarantor: what you need to know

    First home buyers often struggle to save for the deposit needed to buy their first property, but a parent or relative may be able to help by becoming guarantor of the loan. The guarantor is legally responsible for paying the other person's debts if the debtor can't...

    We’re here to help you
    Reach us from 9:00am until 5:00pm weekdays


    1300 131 809


