hollistic approach

Our holistic approach 

Our goal is to protect your financial wellbeing through a holistic approach, with simple financial services that help you stay on top of your money.

We achieve this through many services that help you to create financial success including, Funeral Benefits, Savings, Loans, Mortgage Broking, Financial Planning, Tax & Accounting, Wills and more! This holistic approach provides you with confidence, knowing that our team of experts are working together to help you, no matter what stage of life you’re in.

We focus on helping you grow your wealth and protect your future.

Grow your wealth

Our team work in collaboration to help you grow your wealth, from all angles. There is no one right answer, but our team will come up with the best strategy to suit you and your family, through a holistic strategy.

We offer high-interest term investments to help you grow your savings faster than an everyday bank account. With interest rates of up to 4.00% p.a., you can guarantee a significant return at the end of your term. 

If you want to invest your savings or grow your savings for retirement, our Financial Planning team can help you create a strategy that will work for you. 

Looking to grow your wealth by getting into the property market? We offer Home Loans as well as a free Mortgage Broking service.

If you’re looking to maximise your tax refund or scale your business, our Tax & Accounting team can help you through Tax Planning, Tax Returns, Bookkeeping, Accounting and Self Managed Super Funds.

Protect your future 

Through a wide range of financial services, we help APS members and clients set themselves up for a safe and secure future. 

All members receive a Funeral Benefit to help loved ones cover the cost of their funeral. We can also support you in creating a Will, organising Life Insurance or taking out Income Protection.

Our team can help you with your Transition to Retirement and Superannuation strategy so that you’re financially secure in the long term.

We offer a wide range of loans including Personal Loans, and Special Purpose Loans, to help you in the short term so that you can achieve your long term goals.

How do we know that a holistic approach works?

We have been serving loyal APS members and clients for over 100 years and over this time, we have evolved our services to ensure that you’re in safe hands with whatever financial support you need. 

“I joined APS in April 1974 and have received all aspects of the services including low-cost loans over many years raising a young family.  I have always had the benefit of professional and courteous service across all aspects of available benefits. Thank you APS for being there, all my children and grandchildren are now members too. Keep up the great community service for many years to come.” – Raymond

“APS Benefits has been by my side for the majority of my working career. Aside from the security of a funeral benefit for my family, they were always there for competitive loans if and when things got tough.  As my working career grew, so did their provision of services.  A non-profit organisation that gives back to its members through and through. Very highly recommend this financial group.” – Michael

Our customers love the convenience of having all of their financial services in one place and having confidence in our team of friendly experts.

Head to our website to learn more or give us a call on 1300 131 809.