Will and Estate Plan

You may have a Will or are thinking about creating one, but have you thought about estate planning? 

A Will is a legal document that outlines how your assets will be distributed when you pass away. However, a Will won’t necessarily solve all of your problems, and that’s why estate planning is so important. 

An estate plan is the bigger picture of how you would like to manage your end of life affairs. 

Your estate plan can include elements such as your:

  1. Will,
  2. Powers of Attorney,
  3. medical decision makers,
  4. Advance Care Directives
  5. Life insurance,
  6. Superannuation binding nominations and
  7. Management of any assets not owned personally such as in companies or trusts.

 Estate planning provides you with peace of mind, knowing that your assets are distributed to the right people and enables you to make important decisions such as how you would like your affairs to be managed both if you become unwell, and once you pass away

 If you’re interested in understanding more about Wills and estate planning, we have created a free eBook to help you get started in the process. 

Wills and Estes Planning Guide