APS Benefits Support  > Forgot your password

Forgot your password

If you forgot your password and can’t login to APS Online, we can help.

First, you’ll need to get in contact with us.

Contact us to reset your password

If you have forgotten your password, it will need to be reset. To reset your password, please email info@apsbenefitsgroup.com.au.

Make sure your email is sent from the same email address that you use for your APS Benefits account – it should match what’s on file at APS Benefits Group.

Please include the following details:

  • Full Name
  • Member Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Current Address

Once you have contacted APS Benefits, a customer service team member will contact you with your new password.

We’re here to help

Write to us


1300 131 809
9:00am to 5:00pm


Send us an email at

Drop in

440 William Street, West Melbourne VIC 3003, Australia