Funeral Insurance vs Funeral Benefits

Funeral Insurance vs Funeral Benefits

Losing a loved one is an incredibly challenging and emotional experience. During such a difficult time, the last thing you want is for your loved ones to be worried about the financial burden of arranging a funeral. If you are researching your options, you may have...
Are you being exploited by funeral insurance?

Are you being exploited by funeral insurance?

Here’s what you need to know about the risky funeral insurance industry Over 30,000 Australians have a Funeral Benefit with APS, giving them peace of mind knowing that their families won’t have to burden the cost of their funeral one day. As a non-profit, bonuses are...
What to look for in a funeral benefit?

What to look for in a funeral benefit?

If you’re looking to take out a funeral benefit, there are a number of things that you need to consider. Most importantly, you want to be paying the minimum amount for a maximum benefit. You also need to consider the process that your loved ones need to go through to...
Do I really need funeral cover?

Do I really need funeral cover?

Funeral cover is something that many Australians avoid talking about, but it is something that everyone should consider. Funerals in Australia can cost up to $15,000 or sometimes more. This is a cost that you don’t want your family worrying about after you pass....
How do I benefit from an APS membership?

How do I benefit from an APS membership?

When you sign up for an APS membership, you are joining a member owned co-operative that has built trust and provided security to members for over 110 years. APS offers funeral benefits and many other personal and financial services that aim to help protect your...