
caveat loans

Secure a quick source of finance with a Caveat Loan

When you need funds quickly there is nothing worse than going through the long and painful process of a bank application. At APS Benefits, approval can be obtained within 24 hours and funded shortly after. 

Caveat Loans of up to $150,000 are available for any purposes including renovating, debt consolidation, travel, medical or business. A caveat authority over your property provides us with a very quick form of security so that we can fund you within 24 hours of approval.

Rob and Anna secured $150K in 24 hours with APS Caveat Loans

Robert and his wife Anna have a home in Berwick valued at $900,000, with a mortgage of $570,000. They recently required $150,000 to renovate their property to urgently accommodate an elderly parent. 

They chose not to apply to their bank where they expected to be held up with red tape and with no guarantee of approval. Instead, Robert and his partner sought an APS Caveat Loan which was approved within 24 hours and funded shortly after. With a competitive interest rate and a one-off application fee, they took the loan over a ten-year term knowing full well that they can pay it off earlier with no early repayment fee. 

 Learn more about APS Caveat Loans

At APS Benefits, we look at ways of approving rather than declining. We make the process as seamless as possible because there’s nothing worse than having to go through the long and painful bank application. Click here to contact our team to learn more about APS Caveat Loans.